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Montana Tax Attorneys

The law firm of Goodrich & Reely, PLLC, serves clients throughout Montana.


Tax Law: Our Attorneys Prevent And Resolve Tax Matters

Taxes are a year-round concern. That may sound odd to many who only worry about their income taxes when April comes around, but business owners and individuals with complex assets must always consider how they will deal with tax consequences.


At Goodrich & Reely, PLLC, our tax attorneys have great depth of practical knowledge. They help clients from Billings, Missoula and all over Montana. They are skilled in civil business matters and respond promptly to questions.

Common Tax Concerns

Our tax lawyers do everything they can to keep our clients educated about the tax law issues facing them. That means explaining matters related to:


  • Estate taxes: There can be significant federal and state tax issues when settling an estate.

  • Real estate sales and purchases: Complex assets, like real estate, come with ongoing, significant tax concerns.

  • Business taxes: Business taxes are an order of magnitude more complex than an individual’s taxes.

  • IRS audits: Even if you have done everything correctly, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) may still want to review your tax returns.


Dealing with tax matters without experienced legal advice can lead to complex, expensive problems. Our tax attorneys have the know-how to help you prevent or resolve tax law issues.

Proud Montana Tax Attorneys Who Want To Help

At Goodrich & Reely, PLLC, we want to help you with your tax law issues. Our tax attorneys can answer your questions and eliminate your tax worries. To arrange a meeting, reach our offices by phone at 406-541-9700 or email us using this form.


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Missoula Location
2315 McDonald Ave Ste 200
Missoula, MT 59801
(406) 541-9700
Billings Location
2812 1st Ave N Ste 301 
Billings, MT 59101
(406) 256-3663

© 2024 Goodrich & Reely PLLC |

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