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Montana Mediators

The law firm of Goodrich & Reely, PLLC, serves clients throughout Montana.


Disputes Are Inevitable – How You Handle Them Is What Matters

No matter what you do, eventually, you will come into conflict with someone else. It’s a fundamental part of living to be at cross-purposes with others occasionally. However, conflict does not have to be destructive, and mediation may be a good option if you want a more considerate, thoughtful dispute resolution.

Our legal team at Goodrich & Reely, PLLC, has extensive experience in mediation, both as attorneys for clients and as mediators. Our attorneys have great insight into how to resolve disputes.

Benefits Of Mediation

Mediation allows both parties in a dispute to come to the table in a low-stress environment to work things out. Mediation offers benefits over traditional litigation, including:

  • Efficiency: You can often get before a mediator and explain your situation long before you can get into a courtroom. Additionally, they are usually cheaper, faster resolutions.

  • Privacy: By not going to court, all discussions are kept private. Sensitive matters may be a good fit for a mediated settlement.

  • Amicability: The general assumption is that mediation is low-conflict, and, to a certain extent, that is true. Often, parties who use mediation are able to preserve the relationship.

Mediation is appropriate for businesses and individuals.

Less Conflict Can Still Be A Lot Of Work

Our mediation lawyers at Goodrich & Reely, PLLC can work with you no matter what kind of resolution you seek. They will answer your questions, respond to your messages promptly and help you pursue your goals. Mediation may be less of a fight than litigation, but it still can be challenging.

Our mediation team will be with you at every step of the process. Contact us to schedule a meeting. Call us at 406-256-3663 or send an email using this form.


Tell Us About Your Situation

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Missoula Location
2315 McDonald Ave Ste 200
Missoula, MT 59801
(406) 541-9700
Billings Location
2812 1st Ave N Ste 301 
Billings, MT 59101
(406) 256-3663

© 2024 Goodrich & Reely PLLC |

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